Visual Art
Since 2010, Blair State
School has been a leader in providing students with quality and connected
experiences within the Visual Arts. Students at Blair are able to access a
specialist teacher with dedicated lessons and spaces, enabling children quality
time to practice and formulate their skills and techniques. Our Visual Arts
curriculum, driven by the Australian,
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), nurtures individual
students to explore their creativity through the generation of ideas as well as
their methodological skills but, more importantly, social skills that go along
with being a part of something bigger than oneself.
Through the teaching and
learning of Visual Arts, students at Blair have multiple opportunities to make
wider cultural and community connections. Blair actively seeks interconnections
between the Visual Arts and other key learning areas, welcomes and works with
artists in residence, marks important days with Visual Arts experiences (NAIDOC
and Remembrance Day) and actively maintains professional educative and artistic
relationships with leaders in children’s education such as Primary Arts Network
Ipswich (PANI) and the Ipswich District Teacher Librarian Network (IDTLN).
Our young Blair artists
enhance their knowledge and understanding that artworks are visual texts which
are rich in information, ideas and feelings. Their artistic compositions of
this visual literacy can be decoded just as any written text with meaning by
using the elements of arts. The language of line, colour, shape and texture is
a powerful connective to a wide audience and allows a freedom for the children
to express their emotions, knowledge and ideas in diverse and creative ways.
The tradition of storytelling, both fiction and non fiction, is evident in the
students’ carefully constructed work. Their visual texts are reminders that
pictures can “paint a thousand words”. Students become familiar with visual
artists and art movements to inspire their work and practise.
Whilst acknowledging
student’s progress more frequently, our annual Arts Expo is an opportunity for
the whole school community to engage in celebration. The end of year event
allows students and their families, teachers, staff and the P and C to enjoy
and celebrate the creativity which has been cultivated throughout the year. In
2017, we were proud to exhibit our young Blair artists’ works of paintings
inspired by Australian Landscape artists.

Year 2 abstract painting inspired by Sally Gaboritract
5 abstract painting inspired by Fred Williams